
These panels are available:

My Staff

Provides information on the status of the employees on the manager's team, based on notification bar functionality for My Employees. These status categories are shown:

  • At Work: Lists employees whose current clock status is ON regardless of their schedule. By default, employees that are on break (employees whose last recorded clock is a time code clock with a time code flagged as a break) are considered to be at work and, therefore, are included in this category. The BREAKS_ARE_ABSENT registry parameter can be configured to exclude employees from this category while they are on break.
    Note: The break logic does not apply to employees that clock OFF/ON for their breaks (instead of using time code clocks) because an OFF clock is ambiguous. The system cannot determine, for example, whether an OFF clock occurring at 2:45pm represents the start of a late lunch or the fact an employee has left early for the day. Such ambiguities are left to the manager to resolve.

    By default, non-clocking employees are excluded from this category. The INCLUDE_NONCLOCKING_EMPS registry parameter can be configured to include non-clocking employees in this category during their scheduled times. Non-clocking employees never qualify as absent.

  • Absent: Lists employees whose current clock status is OFF during their scheduled work times. If the BREAKS_ARE_ABSENT registry parameter is TRUE, then employees whose most recent clock is a break-related clock are also included in this category during their scheduled times. If an employee is on break outside of their scheduled time, they are not displayed in this category.

    Employees on full-day leave are not expected to work and, therefore, are not included in this category. If an employee is on a partial-day leave (for example, they took the morning off), they will only show up in this category if they fail to come to work for the afternoon portion of their shift (once their morning leave has concluded).

  • Scheduled: Lists employees who are scheduled to work within the next 8 hours and who are not currently at work. This category also includes employees currently on partial-day leave who are expected to come to work later today. Employees working a split shift can be displayed simultaneously in both the Scheduled category and the At Work or Absent category. For example, an employee scheduled to a split shift of 9:00 to 13:00 and 18:00 to 22:20 who is working as of 10:30 will be displayed in both the At Work category (for their current shift) and the Scheduled category for their shift later that day.

Employees that have a temporary team assignment to the manager's team as of the current day are also displayed. The employee's home team is displayed below their name.

To help supervisors determine where an employee might be and when they are supposed to be at work, additional information is provided in an expandable section:

  • Employee's last clock (including the time, type, and any associated clock data)
  • Local time in the employee's time zone (the server time is displayed if the employee does not have a configured time zone)
  • Employee's local time zone (if configured)
  • Employee's schedule information for the previous day (if it overlaps into the current day), current day, and the next day

Using these controls, users can contact their employees by phone call, text, or email:

  • Call: To call an employee, the employee must have mobility phone or home phone contact information configured. Otherwise, this control is disabled. If the employee has both, then the user selects the contact method (mobile or home) to use before initiating the call.
  • Text: To text an employee, the employee must have mobility phone contact information configured. Otherwise, this control is disabled. When using text, the device's default SMS application is used.
  • Mail: To email an employee, the employee must have email address contact information configured or access to Workmail (have an active user account). Otherwise, this control is disabled. If the employee has both, then the user selects the contact method (email or Workmail) to use before composing and sending the email. When using the employee's configured email address, the device's default email application is used.
    Note: For Workmail to be an available contact option, the security group of the logged-in user must have EDIT permissions to the MOB_HOME_STAFF maintenance form and have Act permission to the ACTION_MYMESSAGES_ALLOW_COMPOSE element on the MOB_HOME_WORKMAIL maintenance form.

Clock Status

Provides these clocking functions:

  • ON
  • OFF
  • Change Job
  • Change Docket
  • Change Department
  • Change Time Code
  • View Clock Transactions
  • Time Attestation
  • Retail Tip
  • Clock rules are supported. See the Infor Workforce Management Clock Rules Guide.
  • Additional clock validation rules are supported including IP validation and geofencing validation. See the Infor Workforce Management Time and Attendance Implementation and Administration Guide.
  • Both the existing time attestation and detailed time attestation are supported. See the Infor Workforce Management Time Approval Administration Guide.
  • To simplify the recording of non-ON/OFF clocks, additional clocking functions can be defined as buttons on the widget using clock presets. See the Infor Workforce Management Mobility Administration Guide.
  • Employees may be required to confirm that they took their scheduled meal breaks when clocking off. See the Infor Workforce Management Mobility Administration Guide.

My Messages

Provides a quick preview of Workmail messages.

When users receive a message about an interaction (for example, availability or shift swap request), they can view the flow history from the message. Each row of history, including the approver's comments, is displayed in its own card. The most recent message is displayed first.

Note: Depending on the type of form, only the flow history may be available on a mobile device. For these forms, the form itself must be viewed in the desktop application.

My Schedule

Provides the user's schedule for the week including time off (LTAs) and holidays.