Editing volume in a forecast for all forecast drivers

Forecasts are created based on historic data that has been imported into the application. Forecasts only need to be edited when you have information that is not shown in the forecasted date period.

  1. Select Scheduling > Schedule Optimization > Forecasting.
    Use the Percent Modify field to edit the forecast by a percentage for a specific day.

    Use the Absolute Modify field to edit the forecast by the value in the field for a specific day.

    You can edit the forecasted volume for all drivers in the same action.

  2. Specify information in the Absolute Modify field. For example, 500.
    You can increase or decrease the forecast by the amount displayed.

    The left arrow decreases the forecasted volume for all drivers shown above.

    The right arrow increases the forecasted volume for all drivers.

  3. Click Save.