Localizing date formats

You can localize date formats for each date type, such as Short Date and Long Date, that are used throughout the system. Date formats include whether to use letters or numbers to display date items, such as days and months. You can also localize the date format to indicate the order of the date items, such as month/day/year or day/month/year.

You cannot localize the date format for all dates that are displayed within the LFSO module.

  1. Select Maintenance > System Administration > Date Formats.
  2. Click Edit beside the date format you want to localize.
  3. Navigate to the Date Formats section.
  4. Specify the localized format of the date in the Dtfmtlc String field using these possible date items with the forward slash (/) separator:
    Date Item Description
    d Numeric day without leading zeros, such as 3.
    dd Numeric day with leading zeros, such as 03.
    EEE Use three capital Es for the abbreviated version of the day's name, such as Wed.
    EEEEE Use five capital Es for the full version of the day's name, such as Wednesday.
    MM Numerical month with leading zeros, such as 01.
    MMM Use three capital Ms for the abbreviated version of the month's name, such as Jan.
    MMMMM Use five capital Ms for the full version of the month's name, such as January.
    yyyy Complete year, such as 2005.
  5. Select the appropriate locale from the Locale lookup.
  6. Click Save.