Using time approval

The HTML clock allows you to approve worked time prior to the clock submitting the time to the timesheet in the WFM application. This feature enables you to attest to the time you have worked to ensure that you are paid accurately. Time approval will either be presented as a Daily total or a Weekly total.

Depending on how the system administrator has configured the clock, Time Approval can be accessed in two ways:

  • During a clock in or clock out

    Time approval records are presented to you when you perform a punch, for example clocking in or clocking out. If no time approval records need to be processed, you will be simply be clocked in or clocked out.

  • HTML clock ellipsis menu

    Time can be approved by selecting the Time Approval option in the HTML clock ellipsis menu. Selecting this option requires you to provide a badge and PIN authentication (if configured).

The format of the data displayed will differ based on how the clock is configured. In addition, the date range of the start and end date may display differently if your company has configured the system to approve time for the entire work week rather than a single day.