Other settings

Setting Description
wbsynch.webservice.tableDumpRetries = 3 The number of times the WBCS will retry a table dump operation if an exception is encountered during the dump. A retry involves logging off, logging on, and then resumes the table dump operation from the point where the exception occurred.
wbsynch.webservice.tableDumpThreshold = 1001
Note: This setting is only valid if you are connecting to a pre-6.2 version of WFM.
The threshold value for a table dump operation. If the number of changed records is greater than the specified value, a table dump operation is performed. If the number of changed records is less than the specified value, a table dump is not performed and only changed records are sent through the dbupdate thread from the system database to the WBCS.
Note: Total number of changed records is calculated using employees (including badge and reader group changes) and their schedules for all readers/servers. In general, this represents the largest percentage of changed records.
wbsynch.webservice.pageSize.dbupdate = 100 The response/batch size of changed records sent from the WFM system database to the WBCS. When WFM application sends changed records to the WBCS in the form of a dbupdate, this setting controls the response/batch size of the changed records sent to the WBCS. For large numbers of changed records, this prevents potential out of memory errors in the 8000. For example, if the number of changed records is 1000, and wbsynch.webservice.pageSize.dbupdate is set to 100 (default value), the WBCS will receive 10 batches of 100 records to complete the dbupdate.
wbsynch.webservice.swiperequest.timeout = 5 The amount of time in seconds after which the clock will accept a swipe without validation, even though the clock is offline and not communicating with the application.
Note: This setting is only applicable to clocks with an embedded clock server such as the WB8000 clock.