Message settings

You can configure the messages the WBCS returns to the clocks. Messages can contain plain text and tokens which act as variables. The value of the variable is inserted when the message is displayed. For example, the token ^&F represents the employee’s first name. Any message containing the ^&F token, sends the first name of the employee who is performing the clock punch. These tokens can be used:

Token Description
^&F First Name
^&L Last Name
^&D Labor Metric Description
^&S The greeting based on swipe type. Check the message.validation.swipetypegreeting.x settings.
^&T The timed greeting based on the time of day. Can only be used in the message.validation.swipetypegreeting.x settings.
^&N New line (if supported by the reader)
^&H The hour of the swipe in 24 hour format.
^&h The hour of the swipe in 12 hour format.
^&m The minute of the swipe.
^&M The month of the swipe in the MM format.
^&K The month of the swipe in the MMM format.
^&Y The year of the swipe in YYYY format.
^&y The year of the swipe in YY format.
^&d The day of the swipe in DD format.
^&e The day of the swipe in DDD format.
^&A AM / PM indicator
^&n Labor Metric Name
^&l The employee's last swipe type (for example, 01, 02)
^&g The employee's last swipe type (converts the type to string found in message.validation.swipetypegreeting.x).
^&t The employee's last swipe time (YYYYMMDDHHMM).
^&E The employee's message field.
^&s The employee's status.
^&B The employee's badge.
^&0 The employee's udf0 field.
^&1 The employee's udf1 field.
^&2 The employee's udf2 field.
^&3 The employee's udf3 field.
^&4 The employee's udf4 field.
^&5 The employee's udf5 field.
^&6 The employee's udf6 field.
^&7 The employee's udf7 field.
^&8 The employee's udf8 field.
^&9 The employee's udf9 field.

Generally, each clock validation has at least one success message and one failure message. For example, when punching in, the badge validation message displays whether or not a valid badge was swiped. If an invalid badge was swiped the failed badge validation message is displayed. The details of the messages determine what is sent to the clocks. Clock messages are listed in this format:

  • message.validation.MSG.okmessage =
  • message.validation.MSG.badmessage =

On the WB5500 Series Clock, you can also configure the color the clock's LED flashes for each successful and failed validation. Similarly, with the Virtual Clock, you can configure the color the prompt flashes for successful and failed validations. The available colors are red, green, and orange. The color settings are in this format:

  • message.validation.MSG.okmessage.color =
  • message.validation.MSG.badmessage.color =

Also, on the WB5500 Series Clock, you can configure the number of times the clock beeps for each successful and failed validation. The beep settings are in this format:

  • message.validation.MSG.okmessage.beep =
  • message.validation.MSG.badmessage.beep =

These settings determine the messages sent from the WBCS:

Setting Description
server.validation.messagetimeout = 02 Length of time (in seconds) the validation message is displayed on the clock. Value must be two digits. For example, specify 01 for 1 second.
message.languages = fr The display language of the messages.
message.no_validation_required_message = NO VALIDATION REQUIRED The message displayed on the first display line if no validation was applied
server.enrollment.ok_message = Enrollment OK The message displayed for successful enrollment.
server.enrollment.bad_message = Enrollment Failed. Server Error The message displayed for a server error during enrollment.
server.enrollment.timeout_message = Enrollment Timeout. The message displayed for a server timeout during enrollment.
message.validation.TerminalIPValidation. okmessage=Welcome to Workforce Management The clock's idle message. For some readers this message is set in the download file.
message.validation.TerminalIPValidation. badmessage=Unconf Terminal

message.validation.BadgeValidation.okmessage=^&L,^&F^&N^&S at ^&H:^&m

message.validation.BadgeValidation.badmessage=Invalid Badge

message.validation.BadgeValidation.okmessage.color = green message.validation.BadgeValidation.okmessage.beep = 1

message.validation.BadgeValidation.badmessage.color = red

message.validation.BadgeValidation.badmessage.beep = 1

The BadgeValidation messages and settings.

message.validation.AreaValidation.okmessage=Allowed here

message.validation. AreaValidation.badmessage=Not allowed here

The AreaValidation messages.


Supervisor message.validation.SupervisorValidation.badmessage=Not Supervisor

The SupervisorValidation messages.

message.validation.SupervisorEmployeeValidation.okmessage=Right Reader Grp

message.validation.SupervisorEmployeeValidation.badmessage=Wrong Reader Grp

The SupervisorEmployeeValidation messages.


message.validation.SupervisorReaderValidation.badmessage=Wrong Reader Grp

The SupervisorReaderValidation messages.

message.validation.ScheduleValidation.okmessage=Scheduled message.validation.ScheduleValidation.badmessage=Not Scheduled

message.validation.ScheduleValidation.badmessage2=Shift Strt

The ScheduleValidation messages. badmessage is used when the employee does not have a schedule. 'badmessage2' is returned when the employee is scheduled, but is attempting to punch in early.

OK message.validation.BreakLengthValidation.badmessage=Meal End

The BreakLengthValidation messages.


consecutive type message.validation.ConsecutiveTypesValidation.badmessage=Already ^&S

The ConsecutiveTypesValidation messages.

message.validation.JobValidation.okmessage=^&S ^&D OK

message.validation.JobValidation.badmessage=Invalid Code

The JobValidation messages.

message.validation.DocketValidation.okmessage=^&S ^&D OK

message.validation.DocketValidation.badmessage=Invalid Code

The DocketValidation messages.

message.validation.TimeCodeValidation.okmessage=^&S ^&D OK

message.validation.TimeCodeValidation.badmessage=Invalid Code

The TimeCodeValidation messages.

message.validation.DepartmentValidation.okmessage=^&S ^&D OK

message.validation.DepartmentValidation.badmessage=Invalid Code

The DepartmentValidation messages.

message.validation.ProjectValidation.okmessage=^&S ^&D OK

message.validation.ProjectValidation.badmessage=Invalid Code

The ProjectValidation messages.

message.validation.JobAreaValidation.okmessage=^&S ^&D OK

message.validation.JobAreaValidation.badmessage=^&D not allowed here

The JobAreaValidation messages.

message.validation.DocketAreaValidation.okmessage=^&S ^&D OK

message.validation.DocketAreaValidation.badmessage=^&D not allowed here

The DocketAreaValidation messages.

message.validation.TimeCodeAreaValidation.okmessage=^&S ^&D OK

message.validation.TimeCodeAreaValidation.badmessage=^&D not allowed here

The TimeCodeAreaValidation messages.

message.validation.DepartmentAreaValidation.okmessage=^&S ^&D OK

message.validation.DepartmentAreaValidation.badmessage=^&S ^&D OK

The DepartmentAreaValidation messages.

message.validation.ProjectAreaValidation.okmessage=^&S ^&D OK

message.validation.ProjectAreaValidation.badmessage=^&D not allowed here

The ProjectAreaValidation messages.

message.validation.StatusValidation.okmessage=OK Status

message.validation.StatusValidation.badmessage=Bad Status

The StatusValidation messages.

message.validation.PINValidation.okmessage=Valid PIN

message.validation.PINValidation.badmessage=Invalid PIN

The PINValidation messages.

message.validation.SameMinuteValidation.badmessage=Same Minute Violation!

message.validation.SameMinuteValidation.okmessage=^&L, ^&F ^&N ^&S at ^&H:^&m

The SameMinuteValidation messages.

message.validation.LastSwipeValidation.badmessage = No swipe recorded

message.validation.LastSwipeValidation.okmessage = Last Swipe: ^&N ^&g at: ^&h:^&m

The LastSwipeValidation class messages.

message.validation.EmployeeUDFValidation.U1.badmessage = BAD UDF REQUEST

message.validation.EmployeeUDFValidation.U1.okmessage = HOURS THIS WEEK: ^&N ^&1

The EmployeeUDFValidation class messages.

message.validation.BadgeValidationWithLocal.okmessage=Local ^&S ^&L, ^&F

message.validation.BadgeValidationWithLocal.badmessage=Invalid Local Badge

The BadgeValidationWithLocal class messages.


message.validation.BioCheckValidation.badmessage=Bad BcBadge!

The BioCheckValidation class messages.

message.validation.NewEnrollmentValidation.okmessage=^&F ^&L


The NewEnrollementValidation class messages.


message.validation.timedgreeting.evening=Eve timeofday.morning.start=00:00



The various timed greetings that change based on the time of day of the swipe.

message.validation.swipetypegreeting.on=ON (^&T)







This greetings can access the timed greetings defined above.

message.http.nobadge = Swipe ignored. Please swipe your badge

message.http.nooper = Swipe ignored. Please choose a transaction type

message.http.novalidation = No Validation Applied

HTTP clock messages.