Virtual clock settings

Virtual Clock specific settings in WBCS.

Setting Description
reader.VCLOCK.port = 4001 Specifies the port the WBCS uses to listen to virtual clock connection requests. The default port is 4001.
reader.VCLOCK.interval = 1 Indicates how often, in milliseconds, the WBCS will check the virtual clock heartbeat. The default value is 1.
reader.VCLOCK.heartbeat = 20000 This parameter defines the live time, in milliseconds, of a Synel standalone clock. Live time is defined as the amount of time the clock will remain active in the absence of a send request to the clock server. If the clock does not send a request to the clock server within the specified time, the clock is designated as not connected. The live time is set to three times the value provided in this parameter. This value should be consistent with the interval in the virtual.conf file in your virtual clock installation directory. The default value is 20000 milliseconds.
reader.VCLOCK.dnsEnabled = false This parameter, if set to true, allows the WBCS to search for a clock by the Windows name instead of an IP address. The default value is false. For more information on name resolution, see Name resolution in WBCS.