Modifying the displayed date and time on the clock

You can format the date and time that appears on the main screen of the clock with the date and time properties in the file.

  1. Log in to the clock using WinSCP.
  2. Navigate to /opt/infor/clock/conf/ directory on the clock.
  3. Open the file with WinSCP.
  4. There are properties such as this in the file that control the date and time format that is displayed on your clock:
    # Date format
    # Time format
    TIME_FORMAT=hh:mm a
    # Date and Time format
    DATE_TIME_FORMAT=MM/dd/yyyy, hh:mm a
    # Label for date
    # Label for time
    # Date and time format for the clock title
  5. To change the time that is displayed on your clock with the TIME_FORMAT setting, specify these values:
    • 24 hour time format = HH:mm
    • 12 hour time format = h:mm a with a lower case h for 1 digit and hh for two digits. The a is for am/pm.
  6. To change the date format that is displayed on your clock, you can specify a value for the DATE_FORMAT=MM/dd/yyyy field in the file.
  7. You can format the date that appears on the main screen of your clock with the TITLE_DATE_FORMAT=EE, d MMMM, yyyy property.
  8. You can format the time that appears on the main screen of the clock by using the TITLE_TIME_FORMAT=HH:mm:ss property.
  9. For example, you can set it to this value:
  10. Save the file in WinSCP.
  11. Access the clock with the Admin Console and navigate to Settings and click Reload Data.
  12. Click Update Server.
    When you are satisfied with your configuration changes, you can use the clock configuration update process to push the change to a group of clocks or all of your clocks.

    See Configuration updates for the clock.