Using the inactive clocks alert

The inactive clocks alert provides a list of clocks that have not shown activity within the last sixty minutes. The inactivity period is determined by the date and time of the last poll. The last poll date updates every time the clock issues a web service call to the application. Web service calls perform tasks such as exporting swipes or updating the clock database.

If one particular task fails while another succeeds, then the clock is still considered to be active and will not appear on the inactive list.

The inactive clock alert generates a Workmail message with this information:

The name of the clock. This name is used to connect the clock to the application.
Reader Description
The description of the clock.
Reader Group
The grouping designation of the clock.
Reader IP Address
The IP address of the reader.
Time Zone
The time zone of the clock.
Last Poll Date/Time
The last time the clock communicated with the application.

To execute the alert you must configure and schedule the Alert - Inactive Clocks schedule task. This task is provided with the clock.