Changing jobs

When you change jobs, you must punch a record. If you work on different jobs, for example as a cashier and as a customer service representative, you can record when you switch from one job to the other.

Your supervisor will notify you when to change jobs and which job ID to use.

  1. Press the Job Change button.
    The clock reader’s light changes to orange and this message is displayed:
    Change Job
    Enter ID
  2. Identify yourself by typing your ID, swiping your badge, or scanning your proximity badge.
    This message is displayed:
    Change Job
    Enter Job ID
  3. Type the ID of the new job.
  4. Press the Enter button.
    If the ID is correct the Clock beeps twice, the green check mark light flashes, and the message Job changed followed by the current time is displayed.

    If the ID is incorrect the Clock beeps three times, the red ‘x’ light flashes, and one of these messages is displayed:

    • Invalid ID: The clock reader does not recognize your ID or badge. Try punching again considering the following:
      • Ensure that you are typing your ID correctly.
      • Ensure that you are swiping your badge properly.

      If you receive the same error message, contact your supervisor.

    • Invalid Job: The clock reader does not recognize the Job ID. Either you typed the wrong number or no job exists for the number you typed.

      You have not changed jobs. Contact your supervisor.