Performance best practices

Migration of maintenance forms and security groups contain many dependencies in the database and should be completed in small batches to avoid performance issues. As a best practice, you should not migrate more than 300 maintenance form functional objects (FO) and 5 security groups. The scenarios in this section are typical examples of the performance of the migration tool using these best practice guidelines.

Scenario 1: Migration of 5 security groups

Operations performed:

  • 3700 MAINTENANCE_FORM_GRP inserts.
  • 870 MAINTENANCE_FORM updates.
  • 5 WORKBRAIN_GROUP inserts.

Performance of the migration tool:

  • Load time in Import Inbound Migration step 1 (compare): approximately 30 seconds.
  • Total operations on transaction page: 4570
  • Migration processing time: approximately 45 seconds

Scenario 2: Migration of 300 Maintenance Forms (FO)

Operations performed:

  • POP_UP_GRP - 30 inserts.
  • MAINTENANCE_FORM_GRP - 1010 operations (mostly inserts, a few updates).
  • MAINTENANCE_FORM - 310 updates (assuming the maintenance forms are already in the target database).
  • WORKBRAIN_GROUP - 6 updates

Performance of the migration tool:

  • Load time in Import Inbound Migration step 1 (compare): approximately 35 seconds.
  • Total operations on transaction page: 2230.
  • Migration processing time: approximately 45 seconds.