Viewing the history of a time off request

You can view the history of a submitted time off request to see where it is in the approval process.

  1. On the Time Off Calendar, click the request icon. For multiple-day requests, you can click the request icon of any pending or approved day within the request.
    The Cancel Time Off window displays the status of all days within the request, along with other relevant information.
  2. To expand the time off history for a day in the request, click the caret symbol to the right of the day. Or click the top-level caret symbol to expand the history of all days in the request.
    The time off request history shows all the actions that have been taken on the request so far. The history includes the names of employees who have approved or denied days in the request, as well as employees whose approval is currently pending. For the approved and denied actions, the timestamp of the action and any comments associated with the action are also shown.
  3. Click the x icon in the top right corner of the window to close the request without making any changes.