Creating holidays

The application is pre-configured to include the most common public holidays. Since public holiday schedules differs between organizations, you may need to create holidays.

To create a holiday:

  1. Select Maintenance > Public Holidays > Holiday.
  2. Click Create New Entry.
  3. Specify this information:
    Specify the name of the holiday.
    Specify a brief description of the holiday.
    Default Date
    Select the default calendar date of the holiday from the calendar.
    Use Calendar
    Select the check box to indicate that the holiday can be included on holiday calendars.
    Labour Metric Security
    Select the type of labor metric security to apply, such as STANDARD DATA or RESTRICTED DATA, from the lookup. This selection enables jobs, dockets, hour types, cost centers, and departments to have a common or unique security KEY. This KEY can then be tied to security groups based on a date range, so a group can use (or not use) certain data in the application. See Labor and production metrics.
  4. Click Save.