Custom posting statuses

A posting status is stored for each shift posting request. The posting status determines if a shift is locked in the scheduling screens or if the shift can be claimed in the billboard. For example, the default posting workflow uses the ACTIVE status for shift posts that have been accepted by workflow. Shifts associated with ACTIVE shift posts are available to be claimed on the billboard.

Custom posting statuses can be added to support advanced workflows where the default posting statuses are not sufficient to meet the customer's requirements. Workflow nodes can be implemented with code that determines how to treat shift postings that are in any of the default statuses or in a custom status. Workflow nodes can also determine what status to set on a shift posting as the result of various validation and approval steps.

The configuration of the Display Shift Posting and Lock Shift check boxes determines how posted shifts with the custom status behave in the scheduling screens and billboard. This table lists the combinations of these settings that should be selected depending on how a custom posting status is used in the workflow:
Place in workflow Display Shift Posting Lock Shift
Shift post is available on the billboard. Enabled Enabled
Shift post is pending and is not available on the billboard. Clear Enabled
Shift post has completed workflow. The shift has either been successfully claimed or the shift post has been rejected, withdrawn or expired. Clear Clear