
This parameter enables or disables the Retail Leave feature of the Balances and Accruals module.

When set to True, the Retail Leave feature is enabled. Time-off requests are processed so that employees are unavailable for scheduling during the requested time off. The Retail Leave feature also pays the employee and deducts balances. Pay is based on the maximum number of hours they can work a day, and the maximum number of hours they can work a week.

For example, a part-time employee works four hours a day and twenty hours a week. If this employee takes a week off, the vacation request is processed based on these conditions:

  • Employee availability is marked as unavailable for the entire week, regardless of the original availability times.
  • Schedule detail overrides are applied to any days when the employee is scheduled, first.
  • Overrides are created for the rest of the requested time. The overrides can be:
    • up to the maximum amount of time the employee can work per week.
    • until the employee’s balance reaches zero.

The employee’s scheduled shifts on Friday and Saturday create a total of eight hours of paid vacation time. The employee’s balance is decreased by eight hours.

Three more paid vacation overrides are created. The overrides are each four hours long and match the maximum hours per day. The overrides cover three of the unscheduled days. The employees each have 20 hours of paid vacation time that match the maximum hours per week. This paid vacation is applied to the week off. The remaining of the days of the employee’s week off are marked with the unpaid vacation time code.

The employee’s vacation balance is decreased by 20 hours. If the employee did not have a vacation balance of 20 hours, the employee’s availability is still marked as unavailable. In this case, the amount of paid vacation time is less.

When set to False, the Retail Leave feature is disabled. In this case, time off requests use LTA overrides. These overrides convert any time that is marked with the UAT time code during scheduled shifts, to the time off code.

Valid values

True, False

Default value




