Forecast Async Task

By default, forecast generation is performed immediately when users create forecasts with the Forecasting screen. You can configure user-created forecasts to be generated asynchronously by the job scheduler by setting up the Forecast Async Task. This moves the processing required to generate forecasts off of the application server, which can have performance benefits, especially when generating complex or long forecasts.

You can enable asynchronous forecast generation by specifying true in the ENABLE_FORECAST_ASYNC_TASK registry parameter. You also must schedule an Asynchronous Processing Task to the job scheduler using the FORECAST ASYNC TASK job type. Users that manually create a forecast then receive a message to confirm that the forecast is being generated. A Workmail message is sent to the user when the forecast is ready. The Workmail message includes a link to open the forecast for review or manual editing.

Asynchronous forecast generation is recommended for customers using machine learning forecasting. When enabled, the entire forecasting process is performed on the job scheduler. The job scheduler has direct access to the model files created during training. This removes the requirement for customers to copy model files to the application server when the job scheduler and application server are on physically separate systems.