Predefining keys for a labor metric code

Follow these steps to set up the predefined keys for specific labor metric codes:

  1. Edit the clock.xml with your preferred editor.
  2. Enter this configuration syntax:
    <item action="{labor metric type}" order="0" data="{labor metric code}" name="{localization key}"/>


In this example, a button is configured on the clock to allow an employee to start a meal break:

<item action="TIMECODE_CHANGE" order="2" data="MEAL" name="START_MEAL"/>
<item action="TIMECODE_CHANGE" order="2" data="WRK" name="END_MEAL"/>

In the file, you can specify the localized text for START_MEAL and END_MEAL. For example:



When you are satisfied with your configuration changes, you can use the clock configuration update process to push the change to a group of clocks or all of your clocks.

See Configuration updates for the clock.