Displaying only employee-assigned jobs

The default behavior during an employee job swipe on an 8000 Series Clock is to list all jobs assigned to the reader group to which the clock is assigned in WFM. As a result, the list of jobs presented to the employee on the clock can include jobs that are not assigned to the employee.

To change the behavior of the clock to only display jobs that have been explicitly assigned to the employee in WFM, you will need to update the employeejob.enabled property in the clock’s settings.conf file to a value of true. See the procedure below for information on how to do this for a single clock using Admin Console.

Note: If you need to update multiple clocks, we recommend using the configuration update process. For more information, see Configuration updates for the clock.
  1. Connect to the clock you want to update with Admin Console.
  2. On the Settings tab of Admin Console, right-click the employeejob.enabled property and select Modify Value.
  3. Enter a value of true and click OK.
  4. Restart your clock for the changes to take effect.

After updating the employeejob.enabled property to true, the following scenarios illustrate the new behavior for displaying jobs during an employee job change:

  • A reader group is assigned job A and job B and neither job is assigned to employee C. Job A and job B are NOT displayed for employee C.

  • A reader group is assigned job A and job B and employee C is only assigned job A. Only Job A is displayed for employee C.

  • A reader group has no jobs assigned and employee C is assigned job A. No jobs are displayed for employee C.

In addition, the display of jobs assigned to employees is date-sensitive. Jobs will not be displayed if:

  • The date for the job is not effective in the WFM application.
  • The date for the job is not effective for the employee or on the employee record.