KPI tab

Clinical Science provides data that shows how many resources are being used on a unit. The information is provided to clinical staff who are responsible for making assignments on the Patient Assignment screen through the KPI, or Key Performance Indicators, tab.

The KPI tab provides this information:
  • Nurse / Patio ratio: The average number of patients assigned to each primary employee on the unit.
  • Avg Assigned WLV: The total number of workload hours on the unit divided by the number of employees.
  • Utilization: The amount of staff usage per patient population on the unit. It is calculated by dividing the total patient workload by the total scheduled hours of unit producing staff.
  • Assigned Patients: The number of patients in the unit who have been placed in an assignment.
  • Schedule - WLD hours (Schedule minus Workload): The number of scheduled employee hours minus the required patient workload hours.
  • Occupancy: Total number of beds occupied to the total available beds.

The KPI tab updates automatically as assignment changes are made.