Enforce calendar day cut for Auto-Assignment rules

Certain Auto-Assignment rules can be enforced based on the calendar date when work is scheduled or based on the work date of the shifts. By default, rules are enforced based on the work date of shifts. You can configure an Auto-Assignment group to use calendar date enforcement by selecting the Enforce Calendar Day Cut check box in the General tab. This check box is hidden by default, and system administrators can expose it in Config mode by updating the security permissions.
The Enforce Calendar Day Cut check box affects these rules when selected in an Auto-Assignment group:
  • Minimum Hours Per Time Period
  • Maximum Hours Per Time Period
  • Schedule To Budget
  • Maximum Schedule Budget

When using this feature to generate MVS schedules, calendar dates start at the day start time specified for each team. Calendar dates start at the time specified in the DAY_START_TIME registry parameter for teams that do not have a specific day start time. For LFSO schedules, calendar dates always start at midnight. Auto-Assignment rules other than the ones listed above are enforced based on the work date of shifts.

Enforcing rules using calendar dates affects rule evaluation for overnight shifts. For example, an Auto-Assignment group has a Maximum Hours Per Time Period rule that requires employees be assigned a maximum of 8 hours per day. Auto-Assignment is evaluating this hypothetical schedule for an employee:

  • Monday: 9:00PM - 6:00 AM
  • Tuesday: 10:00PM - 4:00 AM

This schedule complies with the maximum 8 hours per day rule if the Auto-Assignment group has the Enforce Calendar Day Cut check box selected. The 6 hours after midnight from Monday's shift are attributed to Tuesday, along with the two hours before midnight from Tuesday's shift. This gives Tuesday a total of 8 scheduled hours. If the Auto-Assignment group has Enforce Calendar Day Cut cleared, then the schedule breaks the rule because all 10 hours in Monday's shift are attributed to Monday.