Batch scheduling task results

The batch scheduling task sends a Workmail notification to specified users when it finishes executing. The schedule result is listed in the Workmail for each location covered by the task.

Job scheduler logs for Auto-Assignment include:

  • The time taken to generate each schedule.
  • A list of fixed shifts assigned to each employee in each Auto-Assignment group.
  • Details for when schedule generation fails.
These schedule results can be returned in the Workmail:
Result Description
Schedule successfully generated for the following location(s): Schedule was successfully generated for the location.
Schedule generation skipped for the following location(s): Location was skipped because a schedule already exists during the schedule period.
Empty schedule generated for the following location(s): An empty schedule, with no shifts or assignments, was generated because there are no interval requirements for the location.
Schedule generation for the following location(s) failed: Schedule generation failed for the location because of a configuration issue or other issue. The job scheduler log can be checked for more details about why the schedule generation failed.