Schedule field specifications

This table lists the field-column specifications of the Schedule part of the Schedule Work Detail Import Interface. Fields with the asterisk symbol (*) are required.

Col. Field Name Type Size/Format Description
1 Type_Identifier Varchar2 1 S for schedule records
2 Emp_Name Varchar2 40 Employee name
3 Sch_Date* Varchar2 40/yyyyMMdd Date of the schedule
4 Sch_Shift_In* Varchar2 40/yyyyMMdd HHmm Schedule start date and time
5 Sch_Shift_Out* Varchar2 40/yyyyMMdd HHmm Schedule end date and time
6 Sch_Break_String* Varchar2 Specifies break for first schedule override in this format:

"Start Time,End Time,Time Code,Hour Type"

  • Start Time is the start of the break in yyyyMMdd HHmm format.
  • End Time is the end of the break in yyyyMMdd HHmm format.
  • Time Code is the name of the break time code.
  • Hour Type is the name of the break hour type.
7 Sch_Shift2_In Varchar2 40/yyyyMMdd HHmm Second schedule start date and time
8 Sch_Shift2_Out Varchar2 40/yyyyMMdd HHmm Second schedule end date and time
9 Sch_Break2_String Varchar2 Specifies break for second schedule in this format:

"Start Time,End Time,Time Code,Hour Type"

  • Start Time is the start of the break in yyyyMMdd HHmm format.
  • End Time is the end of the break in yyyyMMdd HHmm format.
  • Time Code is the name of the break time code.
  • Hour Type is the name of the break hour type.
10 Sch_Shift3_In Varchar2 40/yyyyMMdd HHmm Third schedule start date and time
11 Sch_Shift3_Out Varchar2 40/yyyyMMdd HHmm Third schedule end date and time
12 Sch_Break3_String Varchar2 Specifies break for third schedule in this format:

"Start Time,End Time,Time Code,Hour Type"

  • Start Time is the start of the break in yyyyMMdd HHmm format.
  • End Time is the end of the break in yyyyMMdd HHmm format.
  • Time Code is the name of the break time code.
  • Hour Type is the name of the break hour type.
13 Sch_Shift4_In Varchar2 40/yyyyMMdd HHmm Fourth schedule start date and time
14 Sch_Shift4_Out Varchar2 40/yyyyMMdd HHmm Fourth schedule end date and time
15 Sch_Break4_String Varchar2 Specifies break for forth schedule in this format:

"Start Time,End Time,Time Code,Hour Type"

  • Start Time is the start of the break in yyyyMMdd HHmm format.
  • End Time is the end of the break in yyyyMMdd HHmm format.
  • Time Code is the name of the break time code.
  • Hour Type is the name of the break hour type.
16 Sch_Shift5_In Varchar2 40/yyyyMMdd HHmm Fifth schedule start date and time
17 Sch_Shift5_Out Varchar2 40/yyyyMMdd HHmm Fifth schedule end date and time
18 Sch_Break5_String Varchar2 Specifies break for fifth schedule in this format:

"Start Time,End Time,Time Code,Hour Type"

  • Start Time is the start of the break in yyyyMMdd HHmm format.
  • End Time is the end of the break in yyyyMMdd HHmm format.
  • Time Code is the name of the break time code.
  • Hour Type is the name of the break hour type.
19 Empskd_Flags String 10 Employee schedule flags
20 Empskd_UDF1 Varchar2 40 Employee schedule UDF1
21 Empskd_UDF2 Varchar2 40 Employee schedule UDF2
22 Empskd_UDF3 Varchar2 40 Employee schedule UDF3
23 Empskd_UDF4 Varchar2 40 Employee schedule UDF4
24 Empskd_UDF5 Varchar2 40 Employee schedule UDF5