Time and Attendance

Hide denied elements in overrides on timesheet

You can control how denied elements are shown when overrides are viewed in the timesheet. When the TS_HIDE_DENIED_ELEMENTS_IN_SHOW_OVERRIDE registry parameter is enabled, denied elements in applied overrides are hidden instead of being masked with ***=***. This feature is only applicable to the Daily Timesheet in the desktop application.

See the Infor Workforce Management Registry Parameter Reference Guide for more information.

Mobile WFM: Display time off balances in hours and minutes format

You can configure specific balances to display in hours and minutes format in mobility (for example, 22h 30m). The symbols for hours ("h") and minutes ("m") can be localized.

See the Infor Workforce Management Balances and Accruals User Guide.

Shift Premium Zone Rule

You can now configure the Shift Premium Zone Rule to apply UDF and Flag fields to shift premiums. When the Preserve Labor Metrics option is selected in the shift premium zone, the selected UDFs and Flags are copied to the premium.

See "Shift Premium Zone Rule" in the Infor Workforce Management Time and Attendance Implementation and Administration Guide.

Guarantees Plus Rule

You can now configure the Guarantees Plus Rule to proportion guarantee hours against UDF and Flag fields when paying out shift premiums. When using this feature, the rule applies the selected UDFs and Flags to premium hours, in the same ratio as the eligible work.

See "Guarantees Plus Rule" in the Infor Workforce Management Time and Attendance Implementation and Administration Guide.

Changes to Payroll Close Wizard

These changes were made to the Payroll Close Wizard:

  • The Done button is now hidden on the Validate Export screen for off-cycle exports. The Done button is used to save export settings for the Payroll Export Enhanced Task, which only works with on-cycle exports.
  • A Cancel button was added to the Validate Export screen. Canceling the wizard from this screen resets the pay group readiness statuses for an on-cycle export and unlocks the timesheets for an off-cycle export.

Filter time codes in Time Approval screen

In the Time Off Approval screen, you can now filter the time offs based on their associated time code.

See the Infor Workforce Management Time Off Planner User Guide.

Generate work details from clocks for all segments of known time

You can control whether clock ON swipes without corresponding OFF swipes generate work details for all segments of known time before the OFF swipe occurs. When the CLOCKS_PRIORITY_OVER_SCHEDULE registry parameter is enabled, work details are created from clocks for all segments of time, regardless if the shift overlaps with a schedule or if an OFF clock is missing.

See the Infor Workforce Management Registry Parameter Reference Guide for more information.