COMMIT_ROLLBACK_SEGMENT_TIMEOUT applies to all of the system’s supported database systems. This parameter prevents long running (possibly locking) transactions from locking up the entire application. When set, an SQLException is thrown when this interval has been reached for any connection that has executed an update on the database (INSERT, DELETE or UPDATE statements) and is still executing without a commit or rollback, locking tables on the way. In the case of SQL Server, this is turned on even for select statements as they lock queries on these systems as well. Although setting the value to "0" makes the timeout indefinite, we do not recommend using this value.
Note: It is recommended for customers using MVS or LFSO to set this registry parameter to at least 300 seconds.

To refresh this setting without restarting the application server.

Update the COMMIT_ROLLBACK_SEGMENT_TIMEOUT value using the registry maintenance form.

Go to the System Administration/Diagnostic Tools/Database Connections page and click the Refresh button. Timeout values are immediately updated for all existing DBConnections.

Valid Values:

Any positive number, measured in seconds.

Default Value:




