Browsing the results of the Rule Tracer

The Rule Tracer shows the trace information organized in a list of rules. Each rule is an expandable tree. Click the + icon next to a rule to display additional details. The rule’s condition sets, conditions, and rule parameters are displayed under each rule in this hierarchy:

  • Under each rule is a list of the rule’s different condition sets.
    • Under each condition set is a list of the set’s conditions and the rule parameters that are used if the condition set evaluates to true.
      • Under each condition is the condition’s parameters.

These icons are used in the trace information:

  • Rules, condition sets, and conditions that were executed are marked with a green check mark.
  • Rules, condition sets, and conditions that were not executed are marked with a red X.

The results, displayed under each rule, provide a before and after snapshot of calculation data that is affected by the rule. By default, the Rule Tracer shows any changes to Work Summary, Work Details, Work Premiums, Employee Schedules, Employee Schedule Details, Employee Balances, and Employee Balance Logs data. The Rule Tracer also shows any exceptions caused by the rule.

If the rule has not run, No results - the rule did not execute is displayed.

Within each section of calculation data, these colored highlights are used:

  • Blue indicates the record was changed by the rule.
  • Green (in the after snapshot) indicates the record was added by the rule.
  • Red (in the before snapshot) indicates the record was deleted by the rule.