Default Alert Messages

There are different notification messages sent to the relevant budget managers, depending on whether the state of the location is Pending or To Review, and depending on whether the message is sent to the responsible budget manager or the budget manager of the parent location. The messages use the variables described in Variables.

Change Name in Name Text Column Subject Line/ Message Body Default Content Example
The due date is approaching or has passed and the current budget manager has not submitted the budget/forecast. The corresponding location is in Pending state. BUDGET_PENDING_ SUBJECT_REMINDER subject line Long Term Planning process requires your action
The due date is approaching or has passed and the current budget manager has not submitted the budget/forecast. The corresponding location is in Pending state. BUDGET_PENDING_ MESSAGE_REMINDER message body The LAYOUT_NAME numbers are available for your edit until DUE_DATE only, to view click HERE_LINK here. The 2005 budget numbers are available for your edit until 04/01/2005 only, to view click here .
The due date is approaching or has passed and the current budget manager has not submitted the budget/forecast. The corresponding location is in To Review state. BUDGET_TO_REVIEW_ SUBJECT_REMINDER subject line Long Term Planning process requires your action
The due date is approaching or has passed and the current budget manager has not submitted the budget/forecast. The corresponding location is in To Review state. BUDGET_TO_REVIEW_ MESSAGE_REMINDER message body The LAYOUT_NAME numbers are available for your edit until DUE_DATE only, to view click HERE_LINK here. The 2005 budget numbers are available for your edit until 04/01/2005 only, to view click here .
The due date is approaching or has passed and the budget manager of a child location has not submitted the budget/forecast. The corresponding location is in Pending or To Review state. DEFAULT_ESCALATION_ MESSAGE message body The LAYOUT_NAME numbers are available for USER_NAME at LOCATION_NAME until DUE_DATE only, to view click HERE_LINK here. The 2005 budget numbers are available for Jim Smith at North-East District until 04/01/2005 only, to view click here .