Is Employee Property Generic Condition

The Is Employee Property Generic Condition lets you query the employee data as of the work date. The criteria is provided in an expression string parameter using employee fields in a comma-delimited, quote-enclosed string.

For example, to determine if an employee is in the calculation group UNION1, has an active status, and was hired prior to January 1, 1980, the expression string parameter is:

"empCalcgrpName=UNION1","empStatus=A","empHireDate<1980-01-01 00:00:00"

Other examples for using this condition could be to determine:

  • If an employee’s pay group name is PAYGRPTEST as of a specific date
  • If an employee hired before 1980-01-01 has a status that is not active as of this work date
  • If an employee is 18 as of the calculation date ("empAge>=18”)

Parameters In

Name Type Description Example
Expression String String A comma-delimited, quote-enclosed string of fields of a table, where each condition is ANDed.

Fields of tables are referenced by taking underscore (_) from field names and capitalizing what comes after the underscores. For example, emp_flag1 =>empFlag1.

Supported operators are =, !=, <>, <, <=, >, >=, [CONTAINS], [IN](item1;item2;item3), [NOT_IN](item1;item2;item3), [IS_EMPTY], and [IS_NOT_EMPTY].

For the work summary table, an expression could be:


This expression is true if:

emp_flag1 = Y AND emp_VAL1 <> XX

