SO Results Detail Enhanced Import Interface

A new import type of SO RESULTS DETAIL TABLE ENHANCED IMPORT is now supported which improves performance over the existing import of POS data named SO RESULTS DETAIL TABLE IMPORT. Data is imported with Job Scheduler using an Import Task and an Interface Task. The format of the CSV file for this import is differs from the existing SO RESULTS DETAIL TABLE IMPORT since there are extra fields and the format is fixed.

The new interface delivers an improved performance over the existing SO RESULTS DETAIL TABLE IMPORT. In cases with hundreds of millions of rows of data to import, this new enhanced interface is more efficient.

This new interface is not compatible with the existing generic table import of SO RESULTS DETAIL TABLE IMPORT for these reasons:

  • The new interface uses a fixed order of import columns that is different from the existing generic table import of SO RESULTS DETAIL TABLE IMPORT.
  • The import columns in the new interface are not configurable. The existing interface of SO RESULTS DETAIL TABLE IMPORT uses a configurable table mapping for the order of import columns and ID columns to be configured to switch between ID or NAME.

For more information on the existing interface of SO RESULTS DETAIL TABLE IMPORT, see Infor Workforce Management LFSO Implementation and Administration Guide.