Rotation import field specifications

This table lists the field-column specifications in the rotation import interface. Fields with the asterisk (*) symbol are required.
Col. Field Name Type Size/Format Description
1 Rotation Type* Varchar2 The type of the rotation. Specify MR for Master Rotation (MR) or OTS for One-time Schedule (OTS) Templates.
2 Rotation Name* Varchar2 40 Specifies the name of the rotation. This value cannot be changed when updating existing rotations.
3 Rotation Description Varchar2 40 Specifies a description of the rotation.
4 Rotation Length* Integer Specifies the length of the rotation in days. This value cannot be changed when updating existing rotations.
5 Rotation Start Date* Varchar2

Specifies the start date for the rotation in MM/DD/YYYY format.

If the MR_PAYGRP_START_DATE_CHECK_REQ registry parameter is set to true, then the specified date must be on or after the pay group start date.

See "Pay period cutoff date in MR and OTS" in the Infor Workforce Management MVS Implementation and Administration Guide.

Note: The system maximum date of 01/01/3000 is used as the rotation end date.
6 Team/Unit Name* Varchar2 The team that the rotation is assigned to.
7 Auto Row Naming Varchar2 1 Specify Y to enable auto row naming. Specify N to disable auto row naming. Auto row naming is disabled if this row is blank.
8 Rotation Row Name Varchar2 40 The name of the row. The row rank is used if this row is blank.
9 Rotation Row Rank* Integer The row rank of the row. Rows in the same rotation must have sequential ranks, starting at 1.
10 Rotation Row Version Effective Start Date Varchar2 The start date for the row version in MM/DD/YYYY format. The rotation start date is used if this column is blank.
11 Rotation Row Version Effective End Date Varchar2 The end date for the row version in MM/DD/YYYY format. The system maximum date (01/01/3000) is used if this row is blank.
12 Row Costing Varchar2 Specify ROW to use the row labor metrics. Specify EMPLOYEE to use the employee's default labor allocation to determine shift cost for the row of the assigned shifts. ROW is used if this column is blank.
13 Rotation Row Assignment Effective Start Date Varchar2 The start date for the employee assignment in MM/DD/YYYY format. The rotation start date is used if this column is blank.
14 Rotation Row Assignment Effective End Date Varchar2 The end date for the employee assignment in MM/DD/YYYY format. The system maximum date (01/01/3000) is used if this column is blank.
15 Rotation Row Assignment Comment Varchar2 100 Comments for the rotation row assignment.
16 Employee Integer The employee assigned to the row using their employee identifier (EMP_ID). Leave this column blank to for unassigned rows.
17 Shift Sequence* Integer The day in the rotation when the shift takes place. The row start date is day 0.
18 Shift Label Varchar2 40 The shift label for the shift scheduled on the row on this day in the shift sequence. Leave this column blank if there is no shift scheduled.
19 Docket Varchar2 The name of the docket labor metric for the row.
20 Project Varchar2 The name of the project labor metric for the row.
21 Department Varchar2 The name of the department labor metric for the row.
22 Job* Varchar2 The name of the job associated with the row.
23 Planned FTE Decimal The planned FTE value for the row. This must be value between 0 and 1, and up to three decimal places may be specified.
24 Calculation Group Varchar2 The name of the calculation group for the row.
25 Schedule Compliance Group Varchar2 The name of the schedule compliance group for the row.
26 Skills Varchar2 1000

The skill qualifications required for employees assigned to the row. Skills are specified in this format:

Skill Name~Proficiency~Mandatory

  • Skill Name is the name of the skill.
  • Proficiency is the minimum weight required as an integer between 0-99.
  • Mandatory is Y for mandatory skills or N for optional skills.

For example, CPR~50~Y indicates that the CPR skill with minimum proficiency of 50 is mandatory. Multiple skills can be specified by separating each skill using the pipe character (|).

27~31 Rotation Flag 1~5 Char 1 Flag values for the rotation. Specify Y to select the check box or N to clear.
32~36 Rotation UDF 1~5 Varchar2 40 UDF values for the rotation.
37~41 Rotation Row Flag 1~5 Char 1 Flag values for the rotation row. Specify Y to select the check box or N to clear.
42~46 Rotation Row UDF 1~5 Varchar2 40 UDF values for the rotation row.
47~51 Rotation Row Assignment Flag 1~5 Char 1 Flag values for the rotation row assignment. Specify Y to select the check box or N to clear.
52~56 Rotation Row Assignment UDF 1~5 Varchar2 40 UDF values for the rotation row assignment.
57~61 Rotation Row Version Flag 1~5 Char 1 Flag values for the rotation row version. Specify Y to select the check box or N to clear.
62~66 Rotation Row Version UDF 1~5 Varchar2 40 UDF values for the rotation row version.
67~71 Rotation Row Labor Metric Flag 1~5 Char 1 Flag values for the rotation labor metrics. Specify Y to select the check box or N to clear.
72~76 Rotation Row Labor Metric UDF 1~5 Varchar2 40 UDF values for the rotation row labor metrics.