Forecast Summary Report

Report Type: Designer report

This report shows the daily forecast volume information for a specified start and end date at a given location. This view provides the details of inherited (fixed/dynamic) forecast information for all sublocations. This report also includes staffing details for the specified time period.

This table describes the content of the Forecast Summary Report:

Note: You must configure and schedule the Make Availability Reportable Task before running this report. For more information, see Adding the Make Availability Reportable task to a schedule.
Report selection parameters Report output fields
  • Location
  • Include Sublocations
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Show Parameters

For more information on these parameters, see Report selection parameters.

  • Forecast Returns
  • Forecast Revenue
  • Store driver information for specified period
  • Staffing information for Deparment and Job:
    • Required
    • Scheduled
    • Available
    • Off