Creating a new reader configuration

When creating a new reader reconfiguration, you have two options:

  • Create a new reader configuration that populates the configuration properties with default values.
  • Use an existing reader configuration as the basis for your new reader configuration.

To create a new reader configuration:

  1. Select Maintenance > Reader Setup > Reader Configurations > Reader Configuration Setup.
  2. You can view existing reader configurations on this page.
  3. Click Create New Entry to create a new reader configuration.
  4. Specify this information:
    Configuration Name
    Specify a name for the reader configuration.
    A read-only field for the version of the reader configuration.
    A description for the reader configuration.
    Configuration Reference
    Specify an existing reader configuration to use as the reference for a new reader configuration. The new reader configuration uses the values from the referenced configuration as a starting point.
  5. Click Save.
    The next step is to associate the reader configuration with a reader group.
  6. Under Reader Groups which appears below Configuration Properties, select the + icon to specify a reader group.
  7. Specify a Start Date that is either the current date or a date in the future.
  8. Click Save.
    If successful, the End Date is automatically set to 01/01/3000.
Note: Configuration Properties cannot be updated once a Reader Group has been assigned. You must create a new configuration version to make updates. You can also temporarily remove the reader group from the reader configuration, make the change to the property, and then re-add the reader group as long as the start date is in the future.