Adding Clock Reader Servers

Within the WFM application, you must set up one reader server type and one reader server, which you can use for multiple WB6000 clocks.

To add clock reader servers:

  1. Select Maintenance > Reader Setup > Reader Server Types .
  2. Click Create New Entry.

    The Reader Server Types Detail page is displayed.

  3. Specify ATS in the Reader Server Types field.
  4. Specify a brief description in the Description field.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Select Maintenance > Reader Setup > Reader Server .
  7. Click Create New Entry.
  8. Specify a name for the reader server in the Reader Server field.
  9. Specify a brief description this server in the Description field. For example, the clocks that are supported.
  10. Specify a unique identifier in the Reader NT Service Machine Name field. This information is required by the WFM application. For the WB6000 this name must be unique.
  11. Select the ATS reader server type from the Reader Server Type lookup.
  12. Specify 0 in the Rdrsvr Chnghistid field.
  13. Click Save.