Migrating staff groups using the Staff Group to Auto-Assignment Conversion Tool

This tool creates a new Auto-Assignment group from a selected staff group. The settings selected in the staff group are migrated to the new Auto-Assignment group. The new Auto-Assignment group is then opened for editing. You can make changes to the rules and other options before saving the new Auto-Assignment group.

  1. Select Scheduling > Auto-assignment > Auto-assignment Migration Tools > Staff Group to Auto-assignment Conversion Tool.
  2. Select a staff group in the Staff Group field.
  3. Click Convert.
    The settings from the staff group are migrated to the new Auto-Assignment group. The new Auto-Assignment group is opened in the Manage Auto-assignment group page.
  4. Edit the settings in the Auto-Assignment group as required.
    See Configuring Auto-Assignment groups.
    Note: Make sure to review the Filters tab to ensure that the Auto-Assignment group selects the appropriate employees when the schedule is generated.
  5. Save the Auto-Assignment group.