Absenteeism Insights dashboard

Dashlet name Description Chart type
Poor >=25% Count of employees having uncontrolled absence rate greater than or equal to 25%. KPI
Moderate>=5% and <25% Count of employees having uncontrolled absence rate greater than or equal to 5 and less than 25%. KPI
Excellent < 5% Count of employees having uncontrolled absence rate less than 5%. KPI
Absence Insights Bar Count of Poor, Moderate and Excellent employees by category (Team, Job, Employee Preferred Job, Employee Home Team, calculation group, Employment type, Employee work Type, Department and Employee). Bar
Absenteeism Insights Table Provides the overall uncontrolled absence rate for each employee. Table
Absenteeism Insights by Employee Detail Provides the detail of each Employee’s Uncontrolled Absence Rate as calculated for each category. Table