Setting up roles

Workforce Management has configurable security groups that are set up in the product and then sent to Infor Ming.le through the SecurityRoleMaster BOD. Workforce Management is the system of record for the WFM security groups sent to Infor Ming.le.

Security groups contain a new field named Mingle Security Role (WBG_INFOR_ROLE), which is used to match the security group with the security role in Infor Ming.le. Only security groups that have a value in the Mingle Security Role field are sent to Infor Ming.le.

In addition, security groups contain a new field named Rank, which is used when multiple WFM security groups are assigned to a user in Infor Ming.le. When the SecurityUserMaster BOD is processed, the user is assigned to the security group with the lowest integer value in the Rank field (the lower the value, the higher the rank). If a value is not specified in the Rank field for a security group, then 9999 is used by default.

A new security group named INFOR ADMINS was added to Workforce Management to support the Infor-SystemAdministrator security role in Infor Ming.le. The INFOR ADMINS security group is used by the Infor Cloud team. The default value of the Mingle Security Role field for the INFOR ADMINS security group is Infor-SystemAdministrator to match the security role in Infor Ming.le.

For new installations, a default set of WFM security groups is defined. Mappings are defined for every predefined WFM security role in Infor Ming.le.

This table shows the default values for a new installation:

Security Group Name Mingle Security Role Rank
OTHERS WFM-Others 20
EMPLOYEE WFM-Employee 10
INFOR ADMINS Infor-SystemAdministrator 1

For existing customers who are upgrading, the Mingle Security Role field will be empty for all security groups. Customers should modify the Mingle Security Role field to the appropriate values.

Note: When specifying the Mingle Security Role in a security group, the value must be unique and cannot be edited once set. Copying a security group does not copy the Mingle Security Role value.

For upgrades, the Rank field is set to the value specified in the table, if a match is identified. For all other security groups, the Rank field is set to 9999.

For details on WFM security groups, see "Security groups" in the Infor Workforce Management Time and Attendance Implementation and Administration Guide.

Initial data load

When the IMS Bod Publishing task runs for the first time, the existing WFM security groups that have a value in the Mingle Security Role field are sent automatically to Infor Ming.le. A SecurityRoleMaster BOD is not generated for security groups that do not have a value in the Mingle Security Role field.
Note: If there is a connection issue when running this task the first time, you will need to modify the description of a security group in WFM to trigger the BOD publishing event.

Adding or editing a security group

When a uses adds a security group in Workforce Management that has a value in the Mingle Security Role field or adds a value to the Mingle Security Role field to an existing security group, a SecurityRoleMaster BOD is sent to Infor Ming.le to create the security role. In Infor Ming.le, the name of the security role is set to the value of the Mingle Security Role field. If the security role already exists in Infor Ming.le, the WFM instance ID is added to the role. A SecurityRoleMaster BOD is not generated for security groups that do not have a value in the Mingle Security Role field.

A SecurityRoleMaster BOD is also sent when a user edits a security group name (WBG_NAME) or description (WBG_DESC) in Workforce Management. In Infor Ming.le, the description of the security role is set to WBG_NAME + "-" + WBG_DESC.

To distinguish the WFM security roles from security roles used by other applications, we recommend that users include "WFM" as part of the Mingle Security Role name, such as WFM-Employee. For example, if there is a security group with a Mingle Security Role name of Employee in WFM, when the security group is sent by the SecurityRoleMaster BOD, Employee will be used as the name of the security role in Infor Ming.le, which might already be shared by another application.

Note:  It is assumed that the security groups created in Infor Ming.le through the SecurityRoleMaster BOD from WFM are not shared with other applications.

The name of a security role in Infor Ming.le cannot be modified as the name is the unique identifier.

Deleting a security group

When a user deletes a security group in Workforce Management that has a value in the Mingle Security Role field, a SecurityRoleMaster BOD is sent to Infor Ming.le to delete the security role. If there are users assigned to the Infor Ming.le security role associated with the WFM security group, then the deletion may fail in Infor Ming.le. In that case, an error is sent from Infor Ming.le through a Confirm BOD, which you can view in ION Desk. A SecurityRoleMaster BOD is not generated for security groups that do not have a value in the Mingle Security Role field.

If the security group being deleted is shared by multiple instances, then the logical ID used for Workforce Management is removed from the security role in Infor Ming.le.