
Represents a role within the company. Specifies which organizational role is responsible for processing the form when the form arrives at the Role node.

Property Description Sample Value Mandatory or Optional Notes
Description Brief description of the node. Form encountered an exception. Optional
Icon The *.GIF image that represents the Role icon. role.gif Mandatory Defaults to role.gif.
Name Name assigned to the icon. The name is displayed directly underneath the icon in the workspace. The name assigned should be relevant to the node purpose. Role1 Mandatory Defaults to <node name> and the number, which increments based on the number of current nodes being added. For example, if this control is the fifth Role node being added to the workflow, the node Name would be Role5.
Role Specifies which organization role is responsible for processing the form when the form arrives at the node. Supervisor Mandatory if you do not select an Employee. The Role property value (mandatory) must contain a specific value set in order to save the workflow.