Displaying Batch Approval in the Supervisor’s Inbox

  1. Select Maintenance > System Administration > Registry Maintenance.

    The WFM Registry Maintenance screen is displayed:

  2. From the Registry Variable Structure panel, select System/messaging/show_batch_approval_inbox.
    The SHOW_BATCH_APPROVAL_INBOX information is displayed in the Node Selected panel.
  3. At the bottom of the panel, click Edit.
    The editable RetailScheduleMode fields are displayed at the bottom of the panel.
  4. In the Variable Value field, specify FALSE.
    This setting ensure that Batch Approvable requests only appear on the Batch Approvals screen and not in the Inboxes. (If the field is already set to FALSE, and you want the requests to appear in the Inboxes, specify TRUE.)
  5. Click Save.
    Note: Supervisors use the Batch Approvals screen to view and approve or decline employee requests. The fields that appear on this screen vary with each request type. Fields are specified when an Administrator sets up the forms for Batch Approvals. See Specifying the Field Controls to Appear on the Batch Approvals Screen for more information on specifying the fields.