HCM integration

As part of the HCM integration, both Infor HR Talent and Infor HR Management have created several exports that use the standard WFM import interfaces. A list of the available interfaces for each product is shown below.

Currently, Infor HR Talent supports these standard WFM import interfaces:

Note: As of version 6.2.0 of WFM, the Employee Interface layout is used rather than the HCM Employee Interface layout for Infor HR Talent.
  • Employee Import
  • Employee Skill Interface Layout (This layout is used instead of Employee Import to import skills and is a subset of the Employee Import.)
  • Skill Import
  • Job Import
  • Team Import

For more information on the Infor HR Talent mappings for WFM interfaces, see the Infor HR Talent Integration Guide.

Currently, Infor HR Management supports these standard WFM import interfaces:

  • Employee Import
  • Job Import
  • Team Import

WFM has a Payroll Export Task that is specific to Infor HRM. See Payroll Export Interface.