
This parameter is one of the default properties that are set up when the system is installed. These default properties are all stored in the system Registry and can be changed to fit each installation.

Every registry value that resides under the system/log4j folder is treated as a property for the log4j framework. By default, the application only logs messages to the stdout. With the addition of the optional property, the system can log messages to a file. See the log4j documentation for the details of the properties value.

log4j.appender.R.MaxFileSize=600KB This property sets the maximum rolling log file size. This property uses “KB” for kilobytes, and “MB” for megabytes. For example, this property can be set to “2MB” which will set the maximum log file size to 2 megabytes.

Valid Values:

Any integer appended by "KB" for kilobytes, or MB for megabytes

Default Value:




