Multiview Scheduler (MVS)

Mask leave codes in MVS schedule printouts

A generic leave code can be configured to mask employees' actual leave codes in schedules printed to PDF. This helps comply with GDPR rules by preventing employees' personal health data from being revealed in printed schedules.

Leave code masking is enabled by setting the MASK_LEAVE_CODES registry parameter to true. The generic leave code then replaces employees' actual leave codes in schedules printed from ASV, Master Rotation, and One-time Schedule. The generic leave code can be localized for users in different locales.

See "Masking leave codes in printed MR and OTS schedules" and "Masking leave codes in printed ASV schedules" in the Infor Workforce Management MVS Implementation and Administration Guide.

Minimum and maximum monthly schedule compliance rules

Schedule compliance rules have been added to enforce minimum and maximum values in employee schedules for each calendar month. These schedule compliance rules have been added:
  • Maximum Hours Per Calendar Month: Returns a violation if an employee is scheduled to more than the specified number of hours in a calendar month.
  • Minimum Hours Per Calendar Month: Returns a violation if an employee is scheduled to less than the specified number of hours in a calendar month.
  • Maximum Days Per Calendar Month: Returns a violation if an employee is scheduled to more than the specified number of days in a calendar month.
  • Minimum Days Per Calendar Month: Returns a violation if an employee is scheduled to less than the specified number of days in a calendar month.

See the Infor Workforce Management Schedule Compliance Implementation and Administration Guide.