Adding special day occurrences

Once a special day has been defined, you must apply the day to a calendar day for the appropriate year, to be used by the application.

You can add or delete special day occurrences as required.

To add a special day occurrence:

  1. Select Scheduling > Schedule Optimization > Setup > Configuration Editor.
  2. Select or search or refine as necessary in the Navigation Pane.
  3. Select the special day to which you want to add an occurrence in the Results section.
  4. Click the Occurrence tab.
  5. Click Add.
  6. Select the type of special day for which you want to create an occurrence, from the Special Day lookup.
  7. Select the calendar day for the special day using the Date calendar lookup.
  8. Select the number of days affected from the Number of Days drop-down-list box.
  9. Click Save.