Activating table localization

The Table Localization page controls which translated material is visible in the application (data localization). All of the tables are set to "not localized" by default, except for the Maintenance Forms table. This setting allows the tables to be enabled on a case-by-case basis so that there is a minimal performance impact when you view localized versions of the application.

Enabling data localization of the Employee or Team tables is strongly discouraged due to performance considerations. This feature has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version.

To enable localization on tables:

  1. Select Maintenance > System Administration > Data Localization > Table Localization.
  2. Select the Duplicate Missing Custom Data check box to ensure the data localization is successful by duplicating custom records for data translation.
    Custom records include all data that was created after installing the application. These records are displayed in their original language for all locales. We recommend that this option be enabled before turning on data localization for any table.
  3. Select the Duplicate Missing Core Data check box to ensure the data localization is successful by duplicating any missing records for data translation.
    Missing records will display in their original language for all locales. We recommend that this option be enabled before turning on data localization for any table.
  4. Click the Prev and Next buttons to scroll through the tables in the system. Alternatively, you can specify the table name in the Table Name field at the top of the form and click Find to search for tables.
  5. Select the Localizable check box to activate localization for the corresponding table.
  6. Click Save.

The Duplicate Missing Custom Data and Duplicate Missing Core Data check boxes must be selected for the tables to be localized. If these two check boxes are not selected, an error message is displayed and the tables are not localized.

By clearing the check box you can deactivate localization for that table. Changes take effect when you click Save.

Within a WFM system, data for tables set as localizable are translations of what is found in the base tables. The fields in the base tables have default information in them, usually in English. The core data that ships with WFM installations has been translated. If a table is set as localizable, translations are shown instead of the base English.

Note: Localized data cannot be displayed in maintenance forms that utilize tables such as DEPARTMENT and JOB even if table localization is turned on. This is generally true for any maintenance form that utilizes tables. For example, WFM cannot display localized data for non-English locales for the maintenance forms in Maintenance > Labor Metrics > Departments.

The database can take time to respond to the changes that are required to turn localization on or off. To avoid a connection timeout, set the COMMIT_ROLLBACK_SEGMENT_TIMEOUT registry parameter to a value that is greater than 300. See the Registry Parameter Reference Guide.