By original state

From State... To State... To Which Locations When State Change Occurs...
before importing a budget Initial all child locations After importing the budget, if specified on the Budget/Forecast Import Interface Parameters page. See Creating or Updating the Budget Import Interface Task.
before importing a budget Pending the root location and all relevant leaf locations After importing the budget, if specified on the Budget/Forecast Import Interface Parameters page. See Creating or Updating the Budget Import Interface Task.
before generating a forecast Initial all child locations After forecast generation if the Release to Location check box is cleared.
before generating a forecast Pending the root location After forecast generation if the Release to Location check box is cleared.
before generating a forecast Pending all leaf locations After forecast generation if the Release to Location check box is selected.
before generating a forecast Released all parent locations After forecast generation if the Release to Location check box is selected.
Initial Pending When the budget/forecast is released to a location.
Initial Locked When the root location locks the budget/forecast.
Initial Released When a parent budget manager releases the budget/forecast for review to a child location for which he/she is also the budget manager, the system skips that child location and releases the budget/forecast to all the location(s) directly below that child location (such as stores). Using this example: If the budget/forecast is released to all stores, then the state of the district changes directly from Initial to Released, because the numbers are released to all child locations automatically. If the budget/forecast is released to some, but not all stores, then the state of the district changes from Initial to Pending, because the district can still edit the numbers for the stores to which the budget/forecast has not been released. See Budget manager for multiple locations.
Locked Pending root location When the budget/forecast is unlocked.
Locked Initial all child locations When the budget/forecast is unlocked.
Pending Submitted When the location submits the budget/forecast.
Pending Released When the parent location releases the budget/forecast to all child locations.
Pending Pending When the parent location releases the budget/forecast to only some child locations.
Submitted Locked all locations When the root location locks the budget/forecast.
Released To Review When all the released child locations have submitted their budgets/forecasts.
To Review Submitted When a location that is not the root location submits the budget/forecast.
To Review Locked When the root location locks the budget/forecast.