Asynchronous Actions and Workmail

After you initiate an asynchronous action, you cannot view the Worksheet in the right pane. The Update View button at the bottom of the page is disabled, and a message is displayed at the top of the page. The message says that your action has been scheduled and put onto a queue. A success or failure notification mail will be sent to you once the action is completed. Click OK to go to the Workmail inbox page.

  • If you click OK, the Workmail inbox is displayed. After the system processes the action asynchronously, you receive a mail notification in your Workmail inbox.
    1. Click the message to open it.
    2. Click the Here link in the message to display the Worksheet with your layout selected by default in the Layout field.
    3. Click Update View to view the data on the Worksheet.
  • If you click Cancel and then try to open the same layout on the Worksheet, a message is displayed at the top of the page. The message says that there is a pending task in process for the selected layout. You are asked to choose a different layout.

    You cannot view the Worksheet with the same layout until the system completes the asynchronous processing.