Entering Supervisor Mode

Note: The WB5500 automatically logs you out of supervisor mode after twenty seconds of inactivity.

To perform any supervisor task you need to enter supervisor mode:

  1. Press Supervisor Mode. The following message is displayed:
    Supervisor Mode
    Enter ID
  2. Specify your ID, swipe your badge, or scan your proximity badge.
  3. If your WB5500 Series Clock has been set up for fingerprint verification, place your finger on the scanner when prompted.

    When you successfully enter supervisor mode, the WB5500 Series Clock beeps twice, the light beneath the keypad flashes green, and the message Supervisor Mode followed by Punch Functions is displayed. You are now in supervisor mode.

    When you fail to enter supervisor mode, the WB5500 Series Clock beeps three times, the light beneath the keypad flashes red, and one of the following messages will be displayed:

    • Cannot verify employee

      The clock reader does not recognize your ID, badge, or fob. Try again using these tips:

      • Ensure that you are specifying your ID correctly.
      • Ensure that you are swiping your badge properly.

      If you receive the same error message, contact your system administrator.

    • Not a Supervisor

      You are not set up as a supervisor. Contact your system administrator.