Settings File

This section lists the contents of the edc_settings.conf file. The settings defined in this file define the configuration of the WB5500 Series Clock.

This table lists the contents of the file:

edc_settings.conf File
serverName =
serverPort = 4001
db.class = com.workbrain.clocks.clients.virtual.db.file.FileDatabase
db.location = db
#limits the length of an entered badge - if limit is reached the badge is automatically submitted

badgeSize = 9

inSize = 4
lmSize = 16
#temporary caching employees on v clock

useCache = false

#if true, screens are cached. If false, screens are created every time they are displayed

clockhandler.screencache.enabled = false

numkeypad.enabled = true
badgehandler.enabled = false
biometric.enabled = false
barcodedecoder.class = com.workbrain.devices.edatacollect.badge.DefaultBarcodeDecoder
hidwiegdecoder.class = com.workbrain.devices.edatacollect.badge.DefaultHidwiegDecoder
iclassdecoder.class = com.workbrain.devices.edatacollect.badge.DefaultIclassDecoder
badgedecoder.prefixlength = 0
# badge decoder concat polity, valid values: (before, after, none)

badgedecoder.concatpolicy = none

#specifies which udf field used to check if employee should be prompted for tip

udf.outwithtip = 0

#specifies the udf fields that will store jobs an employee can change to

udf.job1 = 15

udf.job1 = 16

udf.job1 = 17

udf.job1 = 18

udf.job1 = 19

#function keys which map to a class which handles all events related to the function

#These keys are only active on the idle screen

#Keys along left side of the clock (from top to bottom)

#class.key.K_F7 = Not used

#class.key.K_F5 = Not used

class.key.K_RIGHT = com.workbrain.devices.edatacollect.screen.ClockInScreen

class.key.K_LEFT = com.workbrain.devices.edatacollect.screen.ClockOutScreen

class.key.K_INFO = com.workbrain.devices.edatacollect.screen.StartBreakScreen

class.key.K_STAR = com.workbrain.devices.edatacollect.screen.EnquiryScreen

#Keys along right side of the clock (from top to bottom)

class.key.K_F1 = com.workbrain.devices.edatacollect.screen.LanguageScreen

class.key.K_F3 = com.workbrain.devices.edatacollect.screen.SupervisorScreen

class.key.K_F2 = com.workbrain.devices.edatacollect.screen.DepartmentChangeScreen

class.key.K_F4 = com.workbrain.devices.edatacollect.screen.JobChangeScreen

#class.key.K_F6 = Not used

#class.key.K_F8 = Not used

# enable/disable scroll list looping for selected screens

ClockInScreen.looplist = true

EndBreakScreen.looplist = true

JobTransferScreen.looplist = true

CostCenterTransferScreen.looplist = true

LanguageScreen.looplist = true

ClockOutScreen.looplist = true

SupervisorScreen.looplist = true

StartBreakScreen.looplist = true

StartMealScreen.looplist = true

EnquiryScreen.looplist = true

PunchFunctionsScreen.looplist = true

BiometricEnrolScreen.looplist = true

SystemFunctionsScreen.looplist = true

# enable/disable badge support for selected screens

# by default badge handler support is disabled for all screens

ClockInScreen.badgehandler.enabled = true

EndBreakScreen.badgehandler.enabled = true

JobTransferScreen.badgehandler.enabled = true

CostCenterTransferScreen.badgehandler.enabled = true

#LanguageScreen.badgehandler.enabled = true

ClockOutScreen.badgehandler.enabled = true

SupervisorScreen.badgehandler.enabled = true

StartBreakScreen.badgehandler.enabled = true

StartMealScreen.badgehandler.enabled = true

JobChangeScreen.badgehandler.enabled = true

DepartmentChangeScreen.badgehandler.enabled = true

DocketChangeScreen.badgehandler.enabled = true

ProjectChangeScreen.badgehandler.enabled = true

# enable/disable numkeypad support for selected screens

# by default numkeypad is enabled for all screens

#ClockInScreen.numkeypad.enabled = true

#EndBreakScreen.numkeypad.enabled = true

#JobTransferScreen.numkeypad.enabled = true

#CostCenterTransferScreen.numkeypad.enabled = true

#LanguageScreen.numkeypad.enabled = true

#ClockOutScreen.numkeypad.enabled = true

#SupervisorScreen.numkeypad.enabled = true

#StartBreakScreen.numkeypad.enabled = true

#StartMealScreen.numkeypad.enabled = true

#action keys which are only active on screens other than the idle screen

# ABORT - returns user to idle screen from anywhere in the application

# UP - scrolls up in a one-line scroll list

# DOWN - scrolls down in a one-line scroll list

action.key.K_F8 = ABORT

action.key.K_F1 = UP

action.key.K_F3 = DOWN

#timeout on all screens except supervisor

screen.timeout = 10

#timeout on supervisor screen

screen.supervisortimeout = 20

#maximum amount of time, in minutes, allowed since last communication before alarm commences

maxTimeSinceLastComm = 360

#interval of time, in milliseconds, between alarm beeps

alarm.interval = 60000

#How often check for communication failure (check the database and system)

comCheck.interval = 300000

#swipe type used when clocking in

function.on = 01

#swipe type used when clocking out = 02

#swipe type used when breaking

function.timecode.BRK = 06

#time code used when breaking

function.timecode.BRK.extradata = BRK

#swipe type used when breaking for meal

function.timecode.MEAL = 06

#time code used when breaking for meal

function.timecode.MEAL.extradata = MEAL

#swipe type used when ending break

function.timecode.WRK = 06

#time code used when ending break

function.timecode.WRK.extradata = WRK

#swipe type used when changing jobs

function.job = 03

#swipe type used when changing dockets

function.docket = 04

#swipe type used when changing departments

function.department = 07

#swipe type used when changing projects

function.project = 08

#swipe type used when executing and enquiry

function.enquiry = U0

#beeps made by clock (success, error, and invalid key)

#length - length of time the clock beeps for. Must be two characters (ie. 1 is 01)

#count - number of times the clock should beep (integer)

#pause length - length of time (in milliseconds) to pause between beeps

#loudness - value from 00-99 to determine how loud the beep is. Must be two characters (ie. 1 is 01)

beep.success.length = 01

beep.success.count = 2

beep.success.pause.length = 1

beep.success.loudness = 10

beep.error.length = 02

beep.error.count = 3

beep.error.pause.length = 100

beep.error.loudness = 01

beep.invalidkey.length = 01

beep.invalidkey.count = 2

beep.invalidkey.pause.length = 15

beep.invalidkey.loudness = 01

beep.alarm.length = 01

beep.alarm.count = 1

beep.alarm.pause.length = 0

beep.alarm.loudness = 01

beep.event.length = 01

beep.event.count = 1

beep.event.pause.length = 0

beep.event.loudness = 01

beep.badgeevent.enabled = true

#number of seconds that a successful message is displayed

message.success.length = 3

#number of seconds that an error message is displayed

message.error.length = 2

usePin = false

showHotkeysInLabels = false
#application supported languages first is default

languages = en_US

#threshold for biometric identify operation (0 - 9)

bio.identify.threshold = 0

#Prompt employee to test the finger after enrollment

bio.enroll.testfinger = true

#automatically export templates upon exiting enrollment menu

bio.enroll.autoexporttemplates = true