Calendar payload

The WFM calendar service delivers information about these event types:

  • Scheduled shifts
  • Approved time-off requests
  • Applied holidays

Scheduled shifts

For scheduled shifts, this information is provided in the event by default:

  • The shift label, if there is one. Otherwise, the name of the shift is Work.
  • The start and end time of the shift. Break time information is not included.
  • The name of the team associated with the shift.
  • The description of the team associated with the shift.

Approved time-off requests

For approved time-off requests, this information is provided in the event by default:

  • The start and end time of the approved time off request.
  • The time off type associated with the approved time-off request. The localized time off type value (for example, VACATION) is used as the name of the event.

LTA overrides applied directly to the timesheet are also included in the data returned by the calendar service. If an applied LTA override is canceled, the event is removed from the subscribing calendar.

Information about pending time-off requests is not delivered to the subscribing calendar.

Applied holidays

For applied holidays, an all-day event is shown in the subscribing calendar, with the summary matching the localized holiday name (for example, NEW YEAR'S DAY).