SX API exceptions
An order is created in the system even if an exception record is generated during the SX.API Full Order Maintenance process. The document record status is processed, and the sales order is in Stage 1-Ordered. An exception is an error type that usually does not set the Approval setting to e (E Hold) . If the order is on E Hold, you must update the order before it can be processed through credit hold checking and picked. You should review all exception notifications before processing any order to ensure that the data is correct. Exceptions can be either header or line level exceptions, depending on which section of the order is affected.
Note: If your company uses e as a custom approval code, change the custom approval code.
Changes that were made to SA Administrator Options settings can
affect the SX.API process. Signing out of and back into Distribution SX.e does not activate the change for SX.API.
Changes reset either when the SX.API appserver is used to process an SX.API call for
another company, or when the SX.API server is bounced.
Header-level exception messages
Exception Message | Cause | Action |
Warning: Customer PO# Already Exists (5682H) | The purchase order number exists in an existing EDIH order or sales order, and duplicate customer purchase orders are not allowed. | The order is created as a stock order. Review the order as a possible duplicate order. |
Warning: Invalid PO Type Received – Valid Types are SO, FO, QU (8756H) | The only valid Purchase Order Types are stock orders, future orders, and quote orders. If any other types are received, this error is generated. | The order is created as a stock order and placed on E Hold. Review and keep it as a stock order or copy it to another order type. You must manually approve the order to take it off E Hold. |
Warning: Valid Action Types Are: Original or Confirm (8757H) | Missing valid order type of original or confirm. | The order is created as a quote and put on E Hold. You must review the order for any duplicates. If this was a change order, you can review the changes and manually update the existing order. |
Warning: Terms Not Received – System Defaults Will Be Used (8758H) | The customer is set to allow terms from flat file, yet none were received. | The default terms defined in the customer record are used. |
Warning: No Tax Certificate on File (8759H) | Tax certificate is not recorded in Customer Setup. | Update Customer Setup with a tax certificate number or make the order taxable. |
Warning: Tax Certificate Expired (8760H) | Tax certificate recorded on Customer Setup record is expired. | Update Customer Setup with a valid tax certificate expiration date or make the order taxable. |
Warning: Default Non-Taxable Reason Used (8768H) | The incoming non-taxable reason differs from the default non-taxable reason for the customer or ship to. Optioinally, a non-taxable reason was not included in the EDI document, but is required. | The Customer Ship To Setup or Customer Setup records are used to determine the correct non-taxable reason. If those records do not contain a non-taxable reason, the first non-taxable reason record, alphabetically, in SA Table Code Value Setup is used. If non-taxable reason records do not exist, ZZ is used as the reason code. Verify that the non-taxable reason is correct. |
Warning: Created Quote Order for Confirming Order – Found Sale Order Number (8769H) | Received confirming type order and found the sales order. | To prevent inventory from being reserved, the order is created as a quote. Review the quote to ensure that it is is not a duplicate. Use the copy function to copy to an order. We recommend that you delete the original order that was specified manually, and accept the confirming type ordrr. |
Warning: Created Quote Order for Confirming Order – Unable to Find Sales Order Number for PO# (8770H) | Received confirming type order but cannot to find valid sales order number. | To prevent inventory from being reserved, the order is created as a quote. Review the quote to ensure that it is not a duplicate order that was shipped or placed. Use the copy function to copy to an order. |
Product Line Item Information Received That Could Not be Validated (8771H) | Line items were received that were not created in the order because they could not be validated, and the nonstock product indicator is no. | This exception does not set the order to E Hold. Review the header notes to determine what line items were not created and add them manually, if applicable. |
Line-level exception messages
Exception message | Cause | Action |
Warning: Requested Ship Date > Promise Date (6111L) | The requested ship date in the flat file is greater than the promise date. | Change either the promise date or the requested ship date. The exception setting is automatically removed when the order is finished. |
Warning: This is a Catalog Item (6431L) | The customer is set up to order catalog products, and the one they ordered exists in the Product Catalog Setup. | Review the line item to see what additional catalog item information is required for line item in Sales Order Entry. This exception does not prevent the line from being processed. |
Warning: Total Line Items Processed Does Not Match Lines Sent (8761L) | The total line items that were processed do not match the lines that were sent. | Ensure that the total number of line items was processed. This exception does not stop the order from processing. |
Warning: Non Stock Product Ordered (8762L) | The customer can order nonstock products, but the product ordered is not found in Product Warehouse Product Setup or Product Catalog Setup. Optionally, the product is found in Product Catalog Setup, but you are not permitted to set up catalog products. | Order is put on E Hold so sourcing information can be entered. Approve the line item. |
Warning: Price Override (8763L) | If the customer accepts price overrides from EDI, the price received by EDI is used. An exception is generated if the price in the system is different. If the price override setting is not selected, the system price is sent and the EDI price is ignored. | Review or change the price in the order and approve. |
Warning: product has Multiple Cross References (8764L) | When trying to determine a valid product number using the cross references, found multiple cross references. The system used the first one. | Review the line item to ensure the correct product was selected. |
Line Not Fully Filled - Order Placed on E Hold (8077) | One or more line items are back-ordered. | This exception is enabled by the Order processing rules within SXAPI business rule with an attribute value of useboehold. Process the line item or order per your company policy. |