SA Administrator Options - Integrations - Billtrust Options field descriptions

File Prefix

The file name prefix for Billtrust. Add an underscore to the prefix, for example, BT_. This value is used as part of the filenames that are sent to Billtrust. Billtrust provides this information.

FTP Address (Name or IP)

Specify This is the FTP address/ URL for Billtrust. Billtrust provides this information.

FTP Password

The FTP password is provided by Billtrust. Do not change this value after initial setup.


The FTP user ID provided by Billtrust. Do not change this value after initial setup.

Log File Name

Specify Billtrust.log. This is the FTP log file for Billtrust. You can find this information in the SX.e print directory. The log file name does not change after it is set.

SA Printer Setup Fax / E-mail Printer

Specify the Billtrust fax exactly as you specified it on the SA Printer Setup record.

SA Printer Setup Printer

Specify the Billtrust printer exactly as you specified it on the SA Printer Setup record.

Send to EDI Also

If you send invoices using EDI, we recommend that you select this option. This allows invoices to be sent to EDI and to Billtrust when the Sales Demand Invoices Report is run for Billtrust.

Script to Send Files

Specify This is the process that is used to FTP invoices to Billtrust (a UNIX/Windows script located in /rd/bin).

Script to Send Signature Files

Specify This is the process that is used to FTP signatures to Billtrust (a UNIX/Windows script located in /rd/bin).

Valid Processes

Specify the Distribution SX.e processes that trigger the print and fax scripts. Specify OERD for the Sales Demand Invoices Report and OERC for the Sales Consolidated Invoice Report.