Kit groups in Value Add
In kit production, kit groups are used to group components that are always combined to create a specific kit product. Instead of adding a line for each component in the kit, you can add a line for the group (a predefined set of components). Group functionality is also available for fabricating a Value Add (VA) product or service.
To use kit groups in Value Add, you must first set up the groups in KP Group Setup. Set up new groups for Value Add or review existing groups to ensure they are valid for Value Add. Design a naming convention when naming groups that you can use distinguish between groups specific to Kit Production, groups specific to Value Add, and groups used in both Kit Production and Value Add. Note that in KP Group Setup, the six check box fields, Required, Variable, etc., apply to Kit Production only. They are not valid for Value Add.
In Value Add, kit groups can be specified from either VA Order Entry or VA Product Default Setup, but only for two section types: Inventory Component (IN) and Inventory In (II). When you enter the product number for a VA product and click , you can specify a Group from the Add VA Line window. After you specify a group, a line is created for each product in the group. When you specify the Quantity Needed to build the Value Add item, the quantity is multiplied by the quantity needed in KP Group Setup to determine the total quantity products on the particular VA section line.
The changes to VA Order Entry also apply when an Inventory In (II) section is accessed in VA Receipt of Inventory Entry and Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry. Use caution when entering a group at receiving because not all items in the group may be returned as surplus from the fabrication process. When a group is entered during receiving, lines are created on the II section for each product in the group.